Spreading Joy With Words

How incredible it is to be a forgiven sinner and a beloved child of God! My journey hasn't always been smooth, mostly due to my own choices, but God's faithfulness has never wavered. Somewhere along the way, He planted a powerful calling in my heart—to share the message of hope and faith and how the miraculous power of praise can transform any situation. Even if the situation doesn't change, praise will definitely change you!

From a young age, I walked to church alone, clinging to the belief that God would do more than I could see or feel at the moment. For as long as I can remember, I've known that my God is different from the one I often heard about in my legalistic childhood church. My faith and the power of praise have been my lifeline, carrying me through dark valleys and lifting me to great heights. I'll admit, I've struggled and resisted God's will at times. But His grace has always been my anchor, and His mercies are new every morning.

I invite you to join me on this journey. Together, let's praise God in both the valleys and on the mountaintops, witnessing how His transformative power works in our lives. Expectant, purpose-driven praise builds faith. Let's hold on to our faith, trusting that He will do exceedingly more than we can ever hope for or imagine.

I am excited to continue on this journey as you tag along and to see where it takes us. With every word I write, I hope to spread the message of faith and hope in Jesus Christ and the miraculous healing power of praise to all who read my work. Thank you for joining me on this journey, and I look forward to sharing more of my writing with you in the future.